DestinE Climate Adaptation DT, activity ScenarioMIP, experiment SSP3-7.0, model ICON

The DestinE Digital Twin for Climate Change Adaptation (Climate DT) supports adaptation activities through the provision of innovative climate information on multi-decadal timescales, at scales at which the impacts of climate change are observed.

This initiative presents the first ever attempt to operationalise the production of global multi-decadal climate projections at km-scale resolutions of 5 to 10km, leveraging the world- leading supercomputing facilities of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking along with some of the leading European climate models. It also enables performing bespoke simulations to assess the impacts of new scenarios or of extreme events in a rapidly warming world and inform adaptation activities.

Here we propose a selection of datasets derived from the DestinE Climate Change Adaptation Digital Twin according to the output of the ICON model coupled with the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 3-7.0 (experiment: SSP3-7.0) as defined in the Scenario Model Intercomparison Project (activity: ScenarioMIP). Datasets are presented as zarr archives regridded from the original HEALPix grid to a regular latitude-longitude grid. The chunking is optimised for time based and regional analysis.

Please refer to the specific datasets for detailed information about extent, resolution, updates and access rights.